Diego Selzlein
Stories, tutorials, codes, projects, thoughts and other things by Diego Selzlein.

There are situations where you need to make sure concurrent processes that could potentially be changing the same record don’t cause data inconsistencies. Let’s take a look at one example. In th...

In the previous episode, I explained how I like to test my Rails apps with an example. In this episode, I want to take that example one step further and rewrite it with Cucumber. Cucumber is a t...

A very common subject in software development is testing. However, it is not uncommon to see production-ready projects out there that either have a broken test suite that nobody takes care of or...

Ruby is a dynamic interpreted language and this time I’m gonna talk about how it handles classes and how dead simple it feels like. The day I learned what I’m gonna show you here I had my mind b...

Exceptions are tricky. Most people don’t give them the attention they deserve and I think it’s because most of the time they don’t really know what to do about them. In this episode I want to ta...