I have a PS3 and I bought a new game. However, before I can play my new game, I need to download and update the patches it requires (some updates and stuff). Everything ok so far. The problem started when I saw the size of the update my PS3 was trying to download: 263 MB. Besides, this was only one of the eight files it said it would need to download.

The problem

My internet connection is not that bad, I have a 5 Mb connection. But, for some reason, PS3 videogames download updates very slowly and mine usually stops downloading from nothing. The download just stops at any time and I have to restart it. I think that’s a problem with my router, but that’s not the subject right now.

It was 263 MB, it would take forever to update via the normal way, I would have to restart the download process again and again, always crossing my fingers and hoping it succeded. Of course I didn’t want that.

The solution

A friend of mine told me once that there was this little program that you could make work like a proxy to download updates to your PC and then download from it directly via local network to the PS3 in a very faster connection. This way, it would be possible to use a download manager to improve the speed.

I started looking for it, since I didn’t remember the name. Found it: PS3 Proxy Server GUI. However, it’s for Windows. I don’t like Windows. I’m a Linux user and lover. I didn’t want to install wine package in my system just to use this little piece of software either. So, I started thinking and I thoght of another solution.

My own proxy

Using Vagrant Up, I created a new little virtual machine using linux:

vagrant init
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

In it, then:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install squid -y
cd /etc/squid3
sudo vi squid.conf

In the configuration file, I changed http_access deny all to http_access allow all, cause I didn’t need security, I needed just an “open legs” proxy. Then, in my Vagrantfile, I mapped the port 3128 on the host machine to the same port on the guest machine. And:

vagrant halt
vagrant up

Then, in my PS3, I configured the network settings to use the proxy on my local virtual machine. Inside my vm:

tail -f /var/log/squid3/access.log

Then, I put my PS3 to update again, and the Squid’s log file bashowed me the URL of the file it was trying to get:


I canceled the update and downloaded the file to my PC without the proxy and with a download manager. It came really, really fast.

Now, the update was hosted on b0.ww.np.dl.playstation.net, so …

My own “PS3 update site”

In /etc/hosts file in the VM I added:       b0.ww.np.dl.playstation.net

And in the console:

sudo apt-get install nginx
sudo cp /etc/nginx/sites-available/default /etc/nginx/sites-available/sony
sudo vi /etc/nginx/sites-available/sony
sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/sony /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/sony
mkdir -p /vagrant/tppkg/np/BCUS98123/BCUS98123_T9/d9a4490f00b04dae
sudo vi /etc/nginx/sites-available/sony

In this last file, I uncommented listen 80; and set the root like this: root /vagrant;. Then:

sudo service nginx restart
sudo service squid3 restart

After that, I copied the downloaded update file UP9000-BCUS98123_00-UNCHARTED2PATCH2-A0102-V0100-PE.pkg to /vagrant/tppkg/np/BCUS98123/BCUS98123_T9/d9a4490f00b04dae. Then, when I tried to update again, my proxy redirected b0.ww.np.dl.playstation.net to my NGinx, that offered the local file to the videogame. It downloaded it really fast (it was using my local network, after all).

After that file, there was still another half a dozen files to be downloaded. Of course, I got an error right after the first file finished downloading and the device tried to get the second one, my NGinx didn’t have it. I realized that the next files were following a pattern in the name: PATCH2-A0102, PATCH3-A0103, PATCH4-A0104 and so on. So, I guessed the next URL’s and downloaded them all up to PATCH9-A0109 via my download manager in a few minutes (it ended up being half a GB in updates). Then, I copied them to the same folder so my NGinx could find them and started the update process again. It worked like a charm. =D