
I had to make a little presentation about the Git version control manager system to my coworkers. Using that, I decided to create a simple post to give readers a general idea of how this amazing version manager works and give my coworkers a place to look at when they need to remember some Git command. So, let’s start.

The system

Git is a distributed version control system that makes the creation of a repository and the maintenance of it much easier than SVN does. To have it working in your (Linux) system, you will have to:

sudo apt-get install git git-core

Creating a repository

Now, let’s create a repository. I’ll do it in a git folder in my home directory:

mkdir -p ~/git/myproject && cd $_

We are inside an empty folder, my project’s base folder, named myproject. We want to add it to our version control:

git init .

That’s it, this folder is now a git repository. Yeah, simple as that. You can type this command in a populate folder as well, but this just initialize the repository, we still have to add some content in it.

Your first commit

The repository is still empty. So, let’s create some content to add:

touch application.rb

Ok, now we have a file to control. If you type now git status, you will see it under the Untracked files session. That’s because this file is not under version control. So, let’s add it to the git control:

git add application.rb

Now, if you type git status, you’ll see:

# On branch master
# Initial commit
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
#	new file:   application.rb

Notice that, now, the file is in the Changes to be commited session. That means that now git knows about the file. Nevertheless, the file is still pending for commit:

git commit -m "Adding my first file"

The commit command commits whatever changes are listed under the Changes to be commited session. The -m option specifies the message of the commit that, in this case, is “Adding my first file”. If you type now git log, you will see:

commit 49785160cee943bfd0c5c53be1d4b798997d20a0
Author: Diego Aguir Selzlein <your@mail.com>
Date:   Fri Jun 28 14:02:54 2013 -0300

    Adding my first file

Now, if you enter git status again, it will say nothing to commit. If you are used to SVN, notice that we didn’t create any server, we didn’t enter any URL of a remote repository. That’s because git is independent of that. This folder is the repository. You can zip it, take to another computer, unzip, install git and use it with no problem at all.

New commits

Now, lets change our file to simulate some evolution in our project:

echo 123 > application.rb

After that, git status will show us that application.rb is modified, but it will be under Changes not staged for commit section. That means that git commit won’t consider it yet. We could enter, again, git add application.rb to add the file to our next commit, but there is a simpler way:

git commit -a -m "A message"

The -a option makes that, before the commit is done, our changed files get added to the commit. It’s important to know that this option doesn’t consider new files, you will have to add them with a git add command. If you created a lot of files and don’t want to add them one by one, just enter git add -A. This will add them all at once.


Git has a very good branching control. If you enter:

git branch

You’ll see all the branches your repository has. By default, there will be just one branch named master. This is the main branch, like the trunk in SVN. I’m not going to teach about branches in Git here. Instead, I want you to read this article before you continue.

Remote server

Now let’s talk about having a central repository (or remote repository). I won’t teach here how to install and configure a Git Server, maybe in another post. Therefore, I’ll assume you already have it somewhere (you’ve heard about Github, haven’t you?) and you have the URL of an empty repository.

There is this command in git: git remote. Type it in the repository we’ve created and you’ll see:

Exactly, you will see nothing. That’s because our repo doesn’t have any remote servers attached to it. git remote holds a bunch of commands that help you configuring a remote server repository.

Assuming the URL of our remote repository is git@version.company.com:myproject.git we add it this way:

git remote add origin git@version.company.com:myproject.git

The add command adds (don’t you say) a new remote repository to our local one. The origin text is just the name we give to this remote repository, so you can reference it when sending and obtaining commits, that we’ll see in a minute. You can give any name you want, this name doesn’t need to match anything, you can call this robert if you will, but you’d better not do that. As a convention, origin should be the name of the main remote repository and all projects that have remote repositories should have one called origin.

After we added the remote repository, we can push our local one to it. When you run the push command, all changes made in your local repository since the last time you run this command will be sent to the remote one.

git push -u origin master

The origin parameter identifies the remote repository we want to push to. The master one identifies what branch we want to use. If your repository is an empty one, the branch master will be created and it’ll receive all of what is in your local master branch.

By default, every time you make a push, you have to type origin master after it. The -u flag makes git keep track of this upstream, so that in the next time you do a push, you will just have to type git push.

Alright. Let’s suppose somebody made a change in your repo and you want to update your local repository. You just need to run:

git pull

This will update your local files. In this command, you also can specify from what repository and branch you want to pull changes with git pull origin master. However, if you used the -u flag like I did before, that will not be necessary since the origin will be the default remote.


Now, if you need to get this repository in another machine, you will use the git clone command. All you have to do is go to the other machine, access the folder you want the repository to be in and run this:

git clone git@version.company.com:myproject.git

NOTE: This may not work depending on how your git users are set, but my focus here is to explain git and not how to setup a git server and users.

This will automatically create a folder with your repo name myproject in the current folder. Inside of it, you’ll have a regular local git repository. You can make changes, commits, pushes and pulls. These last two you can run without specifying the remote repo, since origin will already be created and set as the default upstream. This is done by the clone command.

Well, I think that’s more than enough for one post. I hope you enjoyed it.